Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Okay, I haven't blogged in forever (which is quite obvious to the very few people who subscribe). So here is a rather quick update to where I left off to where I am now:

Camp was amazing. Camp is over. Shannon, Owen Ray, and I are in Fort Worth going to Southwestern Seminary. I love my life. I am currently thinking/praying through the process of becoming a teaching while at seminary to help pay off student loans. The end.

I am relaunching this blog as a place to come with questions. If you are any of the above: atheist, agnostic, unbeliever, spiritualist, Buddhist, Muslim, seeker... whatever you may be, I would like to answer your questions about Christianity. I even would love to answer questions from other Christians who want to seek clarity about our faith.

I don't promise to have all the answers but I will do my best. I hope to have some of the first questions posted in the next few days.

I love you all so very much...

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